Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Yummy Jelly Candy | Vita Cubes | #MajLife

I Myself loves to eat candies.. Its one of my guilty thing that i am enjoying..
But considering diabetes runs in the family, taking sweets has boundaries.
this one.. i love to munch.. my eldest loves this too!!!

Late last year we had luckily won on their Facebook Giveaway on Halloween.
see Photos below:

Plus lucky enough that Vita Cubes already shipped it instead of i have to claim it personally but never had a chance because of the kids. (so understanding...)
And just today (Feb 27, 2019).. We Received our prize.

I am excited to open it and my daughter's too!
ohh...wait...Sweet Tooth??! Yes!
But Its not everyday like we want it or we crave for it we can grab some..
especially that we have kids to take good care of their teeth.
We should start from us.

I am a picky mom and i want as much as possible i to give my daughter's a healthier one,
 an alternative sweet craving  like Vita Cubes.
Vita Cubes offers a lot! 
Vita Cubes are fruit flavored jelly candy which are high in Vitamins and Minerals for Energy and Immunity that are important for growing children like Lysine, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.  

They looks soo yummy right?  But take note that Eating too much sugar isn’t good for you anyway, so eating too much sugar is a NO! NO!
Its definitely with Moderation. 

#VitaMOMS #VitaHalloweenShowdown #VitaCubesPH #BetterBeVita

If you havent try one. it's Available from any Mercury Drugtore and at your favorite supermarkets and grocery stores.
This is another quality product from Rebisco, a trusted name in biscuits for more than 50 years. 
Follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VitaCubesPH
Have a Sweet Wednesday. 


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